New theater project with students from Palestine and Rosenheim

New theater project with students from Palestine and Rosenheim

With the aim of establishing music therapy as a university course of study in Palestine, the presidents of Al Quds University, East Jerusalem (AQU) and the Hochschule für Musik und Theater (HfMT), Hamburg signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 15 July 2019. The music...
New theater project with students from Palestine and Rosenheim

New theater project with students from Palestine and Rosenheim

On September 6 and 7, 2019, the HfMT will host the conference “Places of refuge – war, fleeing, arrival – experiences in music therapy and music education”, co-initiated by Prof. Karin Holzwarth. THE POWER OF THE NONVERBAL MUSIC THERAPIST KARIN...
New theater project with students from Palestine and Rosenheim

New theater project with students from Palestine and Rosenheim

„Labyrinth – A dream game“ “In the Labyrinth, there is no longer or shorter way. Each turn must be gone, nothing can be left out, if you want to get to the middle. Going wrong is not wrong. A mistake is not a dead end and certainly not a lost time. Not...
We congratulate

We congratulate

Annette Hartmann, founding member of our association, has won the integration award of Upper Bavaria. The project “Sound of the World” is one of five winners. As the main organizer of the project, Annette Hartmann, is currently travelling, her substitute Klara Fuehren...